The Words of the Wife of a White, southern, Baptist Preacher . . .

Mrs. Sherry Worthington is the wife of the Rev. Dr. Pastor T. D. Worthington, the subject of my previous post. She is also the Principal of Pathway Christian Academy . From the few issues of PathPointe Magazine that I have read, it looks like she is a regular contributor to the magazine. My task in this post will simply be to expose some of her claims as being: 1 - More true than she realizes 2 - Deceptive #1 - More true than she realizes : "When is the last time we shared the Gospel with someone? We know how terrible Hell is and yet we go on with our day to day lives as if there is no Hell." ~ and ~ "When is the last time our lives made an impression on other people? If our words and actions are no different than lost people , why would anyone desire what we have in our lives? By not sharing Jesus Christ with others through our words and our lives, we become Satan's assistants. People all around us are going to Hell, and ...