
Showing posts from October, 2022

My great, great, grand uncle could levitate...

. . . Christian, do you believe me? My great, great, grand uncle Leo ( Leonidas G. Ingersoll ) born in 1869, could levitate - he would stand alone, pause very still for a moment, then at will he would slowly rise off the ground and seemingly hang there without any aid. Christian, do you believe that? If not, what information would you need to change you from a non believer into a believer that my great, great, grand uncle had the ability to levitate? His older brother Angus, who was my great, great, grandfather, documented in writing describing how his brother Leo would, on many occasions, rise up and float above the ground.  Though the family no longer has the original letter, there are a few hand-written copies that have been made over the past hundred plus years - one of those copies was written and signed by my great grandmother Francis, the daughter of Angus.  In the handwritten copy that she made she states that she witnessed, on one occasion, her uncle Leo "floating"

How to become a Christian . . .

So you want to become a Christian - excellent.  Here is all you need to do to become a Christian: 1 - First, and most importantly , ask yourself - " WHY do I want to become a Christian?" It may not be necessary to become a Christian in order to live a long,  productive, fulfilling, happy and healthy life - mater of fact - if you do some research you may find that Christians do not lead lives that are any happier, healthier, or more fulfilling than people from other religions, or people who have no religious beliefs at all.  If you are wanting to become a Christian, make sure that your motivation is not based on anything that anyone has told you .  For instance, make sure your motivation is not a result of a Christian telling you that Jesus loves you and died for you, or that if you don't become a Christian you will suffer for all eternity in the fires of hell.  Those claims are likely tainted with opinion and tradition . ( If after reading step 1 you still want to becom

Here's a Question . . .

  Christians testify that the bible is the "word of God" .  They often refer to the bible as  "God's word ".  The bible intimates it's self that it is at least, inspired by God , or "God-breathed" : 2 Timothy 3:16 -  All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, It should be obvious to everyone that, just because people - specifically Christians - believe and claim that the bible is the "word of God" this does not in any way qualify as evidence that the bible is actually the "word of God" . Likewise , it should be obvious to us all that if the bible it's self makes the claim that it is "Gods word" , or at least "inspired by God" , this does not in any way qualify as evidence that the bible is actually the "word of God". Here's a question :  The fact that the bible it's self makes a claim of "inspir

History or Mythology ?

A Christian and an atheist, both research interns, are tasked with determining,  based on it's content,  what section in the archaeological library to assign one particular ancient paper fragment. They must offer their opinion to the research professor as to where the fragment should be assigned after reading each of the legible sentence translations below: ". . . he was born of a virgin".     History or Mythology? ". . . he healed the sick and blind".    History or Mythology? ". . . he walked on water".     History or Mythology? ". . . he fed a multitude with five loaves of bread and  a few fish ".     History or Mythology? ". . . he was raised from the dead and was witnessed ascending into heaven".    History or Mythology? ". . . his name was Jesus" History or Mythology? The two interns were offering their opinions to the research professor when he interrupted them and explained that he had just discovered some fad