That Old Feeling . . .

It has been about 23 years since I lost my belief in the Christian God, the God which I had believed in for 25 years. Since I left Christianity 23 years ago I have not once, not a single time, not even a hint of a twinge, felt any . . . loss regret despair guilt fear uncertainty confusion . . . over my departure from Christianity. My confidence in the discoveries that I made way back then, and the conclusions that I came to as a result of those discoveries has been entirely unwavering. In simple terms, I have NO DOUBTS that I made the right decision to leave Christianity 23 years ago . . . . . . often times, as I pass by my bookshelf and glance at my old, well-used Scofield Reference KJV bible, that I have had since the very early 1980's, with so many notes in the margins - often times, when I glance at it I feel a twinge of comfort . . .? . . . the very same twinge that I would often feel those many years ago when I believed that this collection of "Holy" wri...