The Genesis Flood

When did the Genesis flood occur? Estimates of about 2500 - 2300 BCE seem to be agreed upon by those who have offered a date:
Creation of Adam – 4026 BCE
The Flood – 2350 BCE
Birth of Jesus – 4 BCE

Since you sure can't arrive at a date for the Genesis flood using science, t
he only way to arrive at a date appears to be an examination of the record of biblical characters - how old what's-his-face was when he begat so-n-so, all the way from Jesus back to Noah.  

Christians who hold the biblical literalist viewpoint believe it was an actual world wide flood that destroyed all life on the planet except the humans and animals that were on the ark with Noah.  
There is so much wrong with this entire story, but below is just one point to consider:

Egypt was continually governed by pharaohs / kings / high priests for approximately 2500 years until it was conquered by the Persians in 525 BC. Eventually Rome took over just before the time of Jesus birth.

The first (currently) known pharaoh was Hedju Hor (King Menes), and he ruled beginning about 3200 BCE (pre dynasty) - this was about 800 years before the Genesis flood.

The following list show's the pharaohs from the 5th-6th dynasties - because - this is the time-frame when the Genesis flood is believed to have occurred.

5th Dynasty :  The 5th Dynasty lasted from the early 25th century BCE until the mid 24th century BCE.  The list of rulers are:
1 - Userkaf
2 - Sahure
3 - Neferirkare Kakai
4 - Neferefre
5 - Shepseskare
6 - Nyuserre Ini
7 - Menkauhor Kaiu
8 - Djedkare Isesi – ruled at least 33 years but likely for more than 40 years, just before Unas, from the very late 25th century BCE to the mid 24th century BCE. which was about the time of the flood.

Genesis Flood - 2350 BCE ( mid 24th century BCE )

9 - Unas - ruled right before, during, and after the Genesis flood is believed to have occurred. In other words, Unas would have drowned in the flood during his reign over Egypt.  Unas was the last of the 5th Dynasty 

6th Dynasty pharaohs:
1 - Teti – ruled from about 2323 (right after Unas) to 2291 – but that can't be – Teti would have drowned during the flood also, and there would have been no Egyptians to rule over anyway . . . they all would have drowned. but apparently they didn't drown because after Teti's reign, came . . .
2 - Userkare
3 - Pepi I
4 - Merenre I
5 - Pepi II
6 - Merenre II
7 - Netjerkare Siptah or Nitocris

The dynasties continue to the 31st dynasty, listing hundreds of pharaohs, kings, and high priests who ruled over Egypt.

When archaeologists, historians, antiquities experts, and geologists examine the evidence, it's as if the “world wide Genesis flood” never happened – or at least, never happen in Egypt.

Problem #1
If the Genesis flood occurred at about 2350 BCE, wiping out all life on the planet (except Noah and family), including all Egyptians, how can Christians account for the rule of unbroken Egyptian dynasties during, and long after the flood? 

Problem #2:
If the Genesis flood DIDN'T occur, yet Jesus believed that it did occur . . .
For as the days of Noah were, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.  For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noah entered the ark, and they knew nothing until the flood came and swept them all away, so too will be the coming of the Son of Man.
Matthew 24:37-39

. . . then Jesus - the man-god who is all knowing - is not aware that the Genesis flood did not occur, but is simply a myth, simply an ancient legend.


ps - There are other known civilizations that existed before, during, and after the supposed Genesis flood (China, Akkadian Empire, etc,).
