What Evidence Would Convince You...


"What Evidence Would Convince You?"

I have had Christians pose this question to me on occasion. Fair enough - I actually don't know what evidence would convince me of God's existence, but as I have heard others respond, I'll know it when I see it - and besides - God should know what evidence will convince me, shouldn't he?

Perhaps a better answer would be simply - EVIDENCE - That is what has the best chance of convincing me - EVIDENCE !!!
Just give me some actual evidence that God is real. If God is real, don't piddle about asking me what might persuade me - just give me some ACTUAL . . .
Don't ask me "How do you explain the existence of the Universe coming from nothing".  My gosh, do we really have to speculate about what happened 13.5 billion years ago to determine if God exists?  If the existence of God is so obvious to you - right now - why not just give me some RIGHT-NOW evidence?

" We have heard talk enough. We have listened to all the drowsy, idealess, vapid sermons that we wish to hear. We have read your Bible and the works of your best minds. We have heard your prayers, your solemn groans and your reverential amens. All these amount to less than nothing. We want one fact. We beg at the doors of your churches for just one little fact. We pass our hats along your pews and under your pulpits and implore you for just one fact. We know all about your moldy wonders and your stale miracles. We want a this-year's-fact. We ask only one. Give us one fact for charity. Your miracles are too ancient. The witnesses have been dead for nearly two thousand years."
~Robert G. Ingersoll

Matthew Taylor, on his Still Unbelievable podcast has a great 10 minute episode - Wedded to Atheism - addressing this question, it is well worth listening to.

I have become convinced that Christians suspend their rational faculties when it comes to evidence in support of their religious beliefs. If the existence of their god was as obvious as they seem to believe it is, us non believers would not ask for evidence because the existence of their god would be just as obvious to us.  This debate would have been settled thousands of years ago if Christians had any evidence to offer.

"Shrines! Shrines! Surely you don't believe in the gods. What's your argument? Where's your proof?"


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But I would like to go in another direction. I would like to address the main "evidence" that convinces me that the god of the bible is not real, and that evidence is - Christians. I have been observing Christians most of my entire 60+ years, from both inside the religion and for the past 22 years from outside the religion. And I have shared my observations and conclusions with many Christians. Those observations and conclusions are, in a nutshell:

1 - I see no evidence in the lives of any Christian that I have observed, that they are guided, controlled, or influenced by a supernatural god or spirit.

2 - I see nothing in the lives of Christians that causes me to desire or need what they claim to have.

Now, I have encountered a few (very few - Joyce and Lance come to mind) Christians who exhibit a genuine gentleness, kindness, and sensitivity about them, but that alone is in no way EVIDENCE that their god is real - BECAUSE - I have encountered far more Christians who were hateful, arrogant, closed minded, belligerent, and dishonest - and that is evidence for . . . what?

Christians do not behave any "better" than non Christians. They are not happier, healthier, wealthier - Christians don't live longer, they don't perform better at their jobs. Actually, the only way that I can distinguish between a Christian and a non Christian, is if the Christian broadcasts that they are a Christian - either they actually tell me that they are a Christian, or it is clearly displayed by a bumper-sticker on the back of their car, or printed on their T-shirt, or it is obvious by the cross hanging from a chain around their neck.

Honestly, if God meant his followers to be, in any way, evidence of his existence, that plan has failed miserably.  If anything, I find the followers of God to be evidence against Gods existence. I find them to be a failed advertising campaign for the supposed Creator of the Universe.

Now - dear Christian - don't misunderstand me. I am in no way intimating that Christians are horrible or bad people (though some are exactly that). What I am saying is this: In our day to day lives, Christians are really no different from non Christians. If we encountered each other in the check-out line at Walmart, or seated next to each other in the dentist waiting room, or stopped next to each other at a red-light, I would not be able to tell that you were a Christian and you would have no idea that I was not - unless - we told each other. We could have even been next-door neighbors for 20 years and unless we told each other, we really would likely have no idea that our religious beliefs were at opposites.

