My Day-to-Day Life...
When I awake, which is usually around 4:20am (perhaps earlier) most mornings, due to my cats letting me know that they are ready, I do not detect any evidence for Gods existence. At no point, between 4:20am and about 6:50am, when I leave home, do I detect any evidence for Gods existence.
From the time I leave home until I am relaxing in my recliner having an evening drink, usually around 5:00pm, I still have yet to detect any evidence for Gods existence. And from the time I finish my drink, eat dinner, watch some shows, browse the internets, and lay my head on my pillow, which is usually around 8:30pm, I still have yet to detect any evidence for Gods existence.
No - if there is any evidence for God's existence, I have never heard of any such evidence, never been presented any such evidence, nor discovered any such evidence.

Before I became a Christian so many years ago, I never detected any evidence for Gods existence. I became a Christian in my late teens, and for the next 25 years I believed in God, in spite of there being no evidence for God's existence.
For the past 22 years, since I have left Christianity, I still have yet to detect any evidence for Gods existence.
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I have not detected any evidence for Gods existence in my environment - in the flowers that grow along my fence, in the stars that I see in the night sky, in the flowing river that I cross numerous times a day, in the hungry wild birds that I feed morning and evening, or any of the creeping things that inhabit every square foot of my yard - none of these aspects of my daily environment gives me the slightest indication that they were or are in any way, the product of God, or that this God even exists.
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I do not detect any evidence for Gods existence in the Christian churches that I pass by on my day-to-day travels. I pass by 13 churches every weekday, and in the past, due to my previous profession, I had occasion to enter many of these churches, but even then, in church buildings full of Christians, I have never found any evidence that the God that all of these churches were built in reverence to, actually exists.
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I do not detect any evidence for Gods existence in the bible. Yes, the bible is replete with intimations that there is a God, but as we all should know, a "claim", no matter how many times it is made, is not evidence that the claim is true.
A claim is not evidence that the claim is true.
Therefor, I find no reason why I - or anyone - should believe that the claims of divinity and supernatural interventions found in the bible, are in any way evidence that there is a God.
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I absolutely do not detect any evidence for Gods existence in the lives of Christians. Those who say that they believe in God, that they have faith in God, that God plays a major role in their day-to-day lives, that claim to communicate with God, and many even claim that God communicates with them, either through the bible, through a "Holy Spirit", or through some other means of direct personal communication. The mere fact that these people believe in God, talk about God, is in no way evidence that God actually exists. One would think that if there was ever going to be any place where I might find some evidence for God's existence, that place would be in the lives of His followers - Christians - but actually, that is one place where I find just the opposite.
From my vast experiences, Christians are an incredibly poor advertisement for the existence of their God.
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Isn't it time for Christians to admit to themselves that they became believers without honestly considering the fact that they - from the very beginning - have failed to detect any evidence for Gods existence?
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Isn't it time for Christians to ask themselves why they still maintain such a belief, when - after all these years - they still do not detect any evidence for Gods existence?
In matters of religion it is very easy to deceive a man, and very hard to undeceive him.
~ Pierre Bayle
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