The 2nd Amendment - concluding thoughts

I suspect if I were to take a random sampling of gun owners who are unquestionably pro 2nd Amendment, with self protection high on their list of reasons why they own a fire arm, if I ask them what demographic they believe that they might likely have to use a gun to protect themselves against, I wonder what answer would most come to their mind:
1 - I am sure that some believe that China or Russia might invade the US, so they would have to fight the Commies.
2 - Many likely would say that they might have to use their gun to prevent the US Government (the Democrats) from trying to confiscate their guns.
3 - Many more would likely answer that they fear the possibility of a home invasion or being assaulted in public, and the demographic that they are mostly concerned about look's something like this guy:

What is odd is that this guy - above - is perhaps the least likely to have a gun. The people who are the most likely to be armed are those who make it obvious that the most important thing to them is The 2nd Amendment - like these people:

. . . and these people . . .

. . . and this lady . . .

. . . and these people . . .

. . . and this guy . . .

. . . and these people . . .

. . . and this guy . . .

. . . and this guy . . .

In reality, the ultra Conservative pro-gun, Jesus, and Trump crowd - logically - should fear each other the most - BECAUSE . . .
They are the ones with the guns!
If this guy, below, dangerously swerves in front of you, are you going to think twice before honking your horn and giving him a dirty look? I am definitely going to think twice.

If these people cut in front of you in the check-out line at Walmart, are you going to think twice before saying "Excuse me"? Personally, I'll keep my mouth shut.

You know what - these people terrify me - they have the attitude - and - they have the guns.
You know why I don't exercise my 1st Amendment Right to free speech, like display political posters in my front yard or bumper stickers on my car or wear a T-shirt with Dr. Fouci's picture on it - because of these people:

These people terrify me.
Please consider reading my initial post on The 2nd Amendment
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