Trump, Pence, and the Christians
From my perspective, it seems pretty obvious that one of these men is a Christian and the other is not . . . definitely not . . . absolutely not.

Even if Trump came right out and said that he was a Christian, said that he believed in God, and said that he expected the resurrected Christ to return at any moment, it would still be blatantly obvious - to me - that he doesn't believe any of what he just said. There has never been one single indication in anything that Trump has ever said or done that would lead a reasonable person to conclude that he is a Christian - and - the reason is because, Trump is not a Christian.

On the other hand, Mike Pence is obviously a Christian. There is every indication that he truly believes in the God and the Jesus of the bible. Now, bear in mind, this is not a compliment. Mike Pence is the typical hypocritical Christian politician, willing to place his perceived personal and political gain over human decency by aligning himself with a most vile and morally depraved creature - Trump.

What I find to be most perplexing though, in this entire saga, in this display of uber patriotism and Christian Nationalism is: Millions of Christians in the US not only voted for this man who was so obviously NOT a Christian, who is a textbook pathological liar, and who is the poster child for greed, amorality, and self promotion - what I find to be most perplexing is this - these Christians called for the DEATH of the actual, genuine, Christian - Mike Pence.

Mike Pence (surprisingly) followed the recommendations from his legal team and advisors and simply did his job on January 6th in-spite of the threats from Trump and his fanatical Christian horde. Does this speak well of Pence's Christian character - absolutely not. There is no doubt that, had Pence's team been able to come up with a "legal" work-around to give Trump what he wanted, Pence would have IGNORED the will of the American voters and would have attempted to deliver to Trump (and himself) another four years of ultimate political power.
~ BUT ~
Because Pence followed the law and did what he should do, rather than what he wanted to do, rather than what Trump and the Evangelical Christian voters were screaming for him to do, Pence's fellow Christians were calling for his death.
Is there any doubt that these Christians would have tried to kill Pence if they could have gotten to him?

Christians choosing to follow a man who is obviously NOT a Christian, and murder a man who obviously IS a Christian - I am seldom surprised by the actions and attitudes of Christians, but honestly, this one surprised me.
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