
Showing posts from September, 2022

Adrian Jones . . .

  People die all the time.  There are likely people dying right now, at this moment, as I type on my keyboard.  Some are dying from illness, short or extended.  Some from their body failing in their young or old age.  Some from violence or from injuries sustained in an accident.  Some people die alone or in the presence of their family.  Some die along with many other people, in a mass shooting or a plane crash or a building collapse.  Some thousands of people die in natural disasters like floods, earth quakes, or volcanic eruptions.   Then, there are people who die after a cruel sustained assault and neglect from the very people who should be taking care of them.   Adrian Jones falls into that last category.   In 2015   Adrian ,  age 7, was tortured, beaten, starved, isolated, and finally near the end of that year, he was left alone to die, and much of this was photographed by his parents themselves and on surveillance cameras in the home where his father and step mother committed


  There are  beliefs  in some cultures  that blackbirds have a connection with the spirit world.  Some consider them to be death-messengers. In Celtic cultures, a blackbird coming into a home was an omen of an imminent death in the family.  Similarly in Irish cultures, wild birds roaming inside or flying above a house was a signal of death or illness in the women of the family. Likewise, birds staring through or pecking on the window are also believed to bring death to someone in the family. ~ ~ ~ A few years ago , after a long battle with cancer, I, along with my Mom and my siblings were gathered around my fathers bed as he lay dying.  H is breathing was very labored and rapid.  He had stopped communicating with us the day before.  The hospice nurse had indicated that he likely would not last beyond a few days - she was correct. It was late afternoon as we were all just sitting, watching, listening, and waiting.  Suddenly there was a rustling noise on the front screened-in porch.  We

Imagine for a moment . . .

  #1 - We have the bible and t he bible IS 100% true.        As a result of us having the true bible, today we have Christianity.  ~ or, imagine for a moment ~ #2 - We have the bible. and t he bible IS  NOT 100% true.  ~ now, imagine for a moment ~ If #2 were the most accurate description of the bible - how w ould Christianity be any different than it is right now?  Hint - it doesn't matter whether the bible is true or false - we would still have Christianity and it would be just as it is now. ~ imagine for a moment ~ bob