

There are
in some cultures that blackbirds have a connection with the spirit world.  Some consider them to be death-messengers.
In Celtic cultures, a blackbird coming into a home was an omen of an imminent death in the family. 
Similarly in Irish cultures, wild birds roaming inside or flying above a house was a signal of death or illness in the women of the family.
Likewise, birds staring through or pecking on the window are also believed to bring death to someone in the family.
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A few years ago, after a long battle with cancer, I, along with my Mom and my siblings were gathered around my fathers bed as he lay dying.  His breathing was very labored and rapid.  He had stopped communicating with us the day before.  The hospice nurse had indicated that he likely would not last beyond a few days - she was correct.

It was late afternoon as we were all just sitting, watching, listening, and waiting.  Suddenly there was a rustling noise on the front screened-in porch.  We all turned our heads to look and there, through the door window we observed a large blackbird flying around inside the porch in a panic.  I went over to see if the porch door was open - it was closed.  I went out and after a few minutes managed to corral the frightened bird, gently pick it up and opened the screen door to set it free.

When I came back in my sister said, "You do know - some believe that a blackbird in the home is a sign that someone in the home will die that night".  She then googled it and showed me what she found.

Just after 10:00 pm that night, some few hours after seeing the black bird, Dad died.

~ ~ ~

So what am I to make of this?
1 - I had never heard of this cultural belief until my sister told me about it that afternoon, so I had no predisposition to believe it.
2 - The prediction by the appearance of the blackbird was seemingly fulfilled later that evening with the passing of our father.
3 - Was the bird sent by some unseen spiritual or supernatural force as a sign to those of us in the home, or was it merely coincidence?

Initially I was perplexed as to how the bird had gained entrance into the screened-in porch.  The next day I discovered a small tare in the screen, likely made when the bird, flying at hi speed didn't see the screen and flew right through it.  So it didn't require any supernatural aid getting into the porch area, necessarily, but the timing?  Does the timing mean anything?  

Christians are fond of claiming that they have "experienced" Jesus, and that they have "experienced" God answering their prayers.  How would a Christian explain my families experience with the blackbird?  Would they conclude that this was a supernatural sign or merely a coincidence?  I would really like to know.

But I do know this - regardless of my beliefs surrounding the blackbird - I have more evidence that a blackbird's appearance was an actual omen for the death of my father than any evidence that Christianity has for the resurrection of Jesus.  
I would be more justified in claiming that my encounter with that blackbird was truly prophetic than Christianity could accurately claim of any of the Old Testament "prophecies".

How can I say this - simple - I and my family experienced it, personally and directly.  We witnessed it 
1 - A blackbird accessed my parents home, and my father died that night.  We saw it with our own eyes - we ourselves are witnesses.  
2 - We saw in writing on google, that a blackbird accessing the home is a sign that someone in the home will die that night. 

This was our experience, not mere words written down thousands of years ago.

My family has at least as much (if not more) "evidence" that a prophetic blackbird gave us a clear sign that my father was going to die that night, compared to the "evidence" that Christianity has concerning the bodily resurrection of Jesus.


ps - Do I actually believe that the appearance of the blackbird and my fathers passing are in any way related - absolutely not.  I am 99.9% confident that it was just a coincidence.  I no longer believe fanciful notions just because they were written down 2 years ago, 200 years ago, or 2,000 years ago.  If the story of the resurrection of Jesus had not been written down 2,000 years ago, billions of believers today would not claim - without any evidential justification - that Jesus arose from the dead.
