History or Mythology ?

A Christian and an atheist, both research interns, are tasked with determining, based on it's content, what section in the archaeological library to assign one particular ancient paper fragment. They must offer their opinion to the research professor as to where the fragment should be assigned after reading each of the legible sentence translations below:
History or Mythology?

History or Mythology?

". . . he walked on water".
". . . he was raised from the dead and was witnessed ascending into heaven".

History or Mythology?

". . . he fed a multitude with five loaves of bread and a few fish".

". . . he fed a multitude with five loaves of bread and a few fish".
History or Mythology?

". . . he was raised from the dead and was witnessed ascending into heaven".
History or Mythology?

". . . his name was Jesus"

History or Mythology?

The two interns were offering their opinions to the research professor when he interrupted them and explained that he had just discovered some faded letters on the paper fragment at the end of the line where the subjects name was written. He was confident now of the correct reading . . .
". . . his name was Jesús Rodriguez".
". . . his name was Jesús Rodriguez".
History or Mythology?
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