How to become a Christian . . .

So you want to become a Christian - excellent. Here is all you need to do to become a Christian:

1 - First, and most importantly, ask yourself - "WHY do I want to become a Christian?" It may not be necessary to become a Christian in order to live a long,  productive, fulfilling, happy and healthy life - mater of fact - if you do some research you may find that Christians do not lead lives that are any happier, healthier, or more fulfilling than people from other religions, or people who have no religious beliefs at all.  If you are wanting to become a Christian, make sure that your motivation is not based on anything that anyone has told you.  For instance, make sure your motivation is not a result of a Christian telling you that Jesus loves you and died for you, or that if you don't become a Christian you will suffer for all eternity in the fires of hell.  Those claims are likely tainted with opinion and tradition.

( If after reading step 1 you still want to become a Christian, continue reading - if you no longer want to become a Christian, disregard the remaining steps ).

2 - If there are any Christians (friends or family) telling you how to become a Christian, avoid any further discussions about Christianity with them - because - you have no way of knowing if the "information" that they are giving you can be trusted as factual. It is very likely tainted with opinion and tradition.

3 - If you are watching any Christian programming on TV or any YouTube videos, or listening to any Christian podcasts or radio, STOP IMMEDIATELY! This is even worse than talking face-to-face with a Christian because you can't ask any questions - but you shouldn't ask questions anyway because the answers offered to you will likely be tainted with opinion and tradition.

4 - If anyone has given you any Christian pamphlets or "tracts", throw them away - or better yet - burn them.  Again, you have no idea if they contain good and truthful information - and besides - they are very likely tainted with opinion and tradition.

5 - The only way to find out how to become a Christian is to read a bible - it's that simple. The bible will tell you everything you need to know for becoming a Christian. All the requirements can be easily found in any bible. It doesn't even matter what version - and there are plenty of versions to chose from, something like 2,000. My 1989 New American Standard Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is 1,133 pages long. There are no reference notes (opinions and traditions) in my bible - it is just the word of God, nothing more, nothing less. You want to avoid any and every bible that includes "study helps" or commentary.  All of that will likely be based on opinion and tradition.

6 - If you truly want to become a Christian, think like a Christian, behave like a Christian, live like a Christian, you should never, ever rely on any other book for guidance in the Christian life other than your bible.  

Note 1 - You may be wondering where in your bible you should start reading? Well - it is a book, made up of 66 sections that are usually called "books" as well. Most books have a beginning and an end, so obviously you don't want to start at the end, or even in the middle. You should probably start at Genesis, the very first book. Some people like to start at the the book of Matthew, which is the first book in the section called The New Testament. I don't know that God has a requirement for where a person should start reading from. Perhaps the answer to that question can be found in the bible?

Note 2 - What to do if you don't understand certain passages or have questions? I can't advise you on this. Unfortunately none of the original bible still exists. Everything that we have today is based on ancient copies of copies of copies that have been translated and transcribed over the thousands of years. So unfortunately we 
cannot know if everything, or if anything that we read in any bible coincides with what the "original" books that make up our modern bible, actually said. You will have no idea how much opinion and tradition has been inserted into your particular version or translation of the bible. Reading a bible is almost like talking to a Christian, any Christian - you don't know how much of what you are reading or hearing is tainted with opinion and tradition. But, at least you can rely on God, or God's Spirit . . . ? . . . to guide you on your journey to become a Christian, I think, or maybe after you become a Christian, God's Spirit will guide you, I think, maybe . . . you will just have to read your bible and see if it tells you what to do if you don't understand your bible.

Congratulations - I wish you well on your journey to become a Christian.

