He said - so - I said . . .

Rev. Harold Vaughan . . . or - The ramblings of a middle aged man in response to the ramblings of another middle aged man. This post is destined to be my most read (sarcasm). ~ ~ ~ I met Harold Vaughan way back in the early 1980's. On several occasions he was a "special speaker" at the Baptist church I was attending in Goldsboro, NC. I believe he was part of an annual "revival" that we had. I think I was there for at least two of these revivals that he spoke at. I even took vacation time off work so I could attend the daily meetings, as well as the evening meetings. This went on for 4, perhaps 5 days. Heck, it may have lasted a week, I really don't remember. Harold likely wouldn't remember me, which is understandable. ~ ~ ~ As I am prone to do, every now and then when I reminisce of the notable Christians from my past, I google them. Rev. Vaughan is still at it, some 40 years later. He runs Christlife Ministries ...