"You were never . . .


. . . a true Christian to begin with !"

In other words, for 25 years, going to church, praying, tithing, praying, tithing, studying the bible, fellow-shipping with other True® Christian - because I left Christianity and no longer believe in God or Jesus, I was never a True® Christian to begin with?

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Wouldn't it be great if Christianity issued you an ID card when you became a True® Christian?  

Of course some cults would likely figure out how to make fake ID's and when they were out in the neighborhood door-knocking and were accused by some Baptist as not being True® Christians the cult member could just smile and pull out their True® Christian ID - argument settled, nuff said.

Unfortunately this is not how Heaven decided things here on Earth would operate, and as a result, it is entirely up to any self-righteous believer to gleefully inform me that I was deceived into thinking all those years that I was a True® Christian.   

But I don't know why humans haven't at least come up with a system of their own to let everyone know that they are a True® Christian.  A fool-proof standardized system that every denomination could implement would be nice. 

I believe I have come up with a method of identifying a large percentage of True® Christians.  The problem with an issued True® Christian ID is, once you leave Christianity, they could require you to turn the ID in to them.  I was in the military and when I left I had to return my military ID.  Sure, I have paperwork that shows that I was a True® USAF Staff Sargent, but I really don't want to fold those up and carry them around in my wallet just in case some True® Christian doesn't believe I was in the Air Force.  

I have come up with an ID system that should be universally accepted by even the most fundamental of believers.  If this isn't sufficient then I'll get a cross-tattoo'd on my forehead, 

I was a True® Christian for about 25 years, from age 17 to my early 40's.  I have been a former True® Christian (atheist) now for almost as long as I was a True® Christian - and in the past 20+ years, perhaps several times a year, I have encountered True® Christians, mostly on-line, who, after I explain my story to them they inform me that I was never a True® Christian.  How in the world can I prove to these mindless cretins that I actually was a True® Christian?  Easy:

I have three children, all born while I was a True® Christian, and all three of them were given biblical names at birth . . .

This is blatantly obvious - no one would name all three of their sons bible names except a True® Christian.  
Giving one child a biblical name proves nothing. Heck, even non True® Christians will give one child a biblical name.  And naming two kids, for instance Obadiah and Habakkuk, could be just a fluke and proves nothing. In order for your True® Christian standing to be elevated beyond question it has to be three kids with bible names.  And don't worry if you have three daughters - Mary and Sarah are a given, but you also have your Rahab's and your Jezebel's.

Obviously this system will not work for all True® Christians.  Some of them won't have any kids or will very wisely leave Christianity before they have any.  But for the millions of us who wanted to show the world that we were indeed True® Christians by naming our kids after bible characters who very likely never existed, this should erase all doubt, once and for all.


If all the Christians who have accused other Christians of not being “true Christians”, were to vanish – there would not be any Christians left.

