In with the Old - Out with the New


"What's Old is True and what's New Probably Isn't"

This was spoken by one of my former Baptist pastors during a sermon.  I think I know which pastor, but because I am not positive, I'll not use his name.  And this is the only thing in that particular sermon (or in any sermon for that matter) that has stuck with me all these many (some 40) years, but not because it was a special nugget of truth (which I believed it was, way back then) but because it was/is completely and entirely false.  I came to a better understanding that his quip was more of a special turd of deception.

Again, since it was so long ago, I can't even remember the exact context of his statement, but it was likely relating to his view that the bible is true in contrast to modern science, which  "probably isn't", or that traditional Christian beliefs are true in contrast to modern social views which "probably aren't".
What is so funny (absurd) with this statement, even though my pastor did not mean this, he was saying that the "Old" Testament is true, and the "New" Testament probably isn't.  Obviously, using his "logic", when the New Testament was finally compiled, the believers (Jews) who held the Old Testament as sacred truth, would have been wise to disregard the New Testament (which they did) because what they believed in - the "Old" - was true, and this "New" thing - probably wasn't.

I wonder how he would respond to this criticism . . .

