Does It Matter?


Does any of the claims made in the bible actually matter anymore?

Just for fun:

Let's concede that God created everything 6,000 years ago, just as described in the first two chapters of the book of Genesis.

Let's concede that the foundational claims in the Old Testament, claims such as the Genesis "world wide" flood event, the captivity of the Hebrews in Egypt, along with the God-caused plagues, and the exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt soon followed by the timely parting of the Red Sea - let's concede that these events happened.

Let's concede that the New Testament stories are true, that Jesus was born of a Virgin, performed some miracles as he ministered, then was executed by the Roman authorities, but he miraculously came back to life after a few days, then hung around with some friends until he floated up into the sky and disappeared.

Let's concede that the remainder of the New Testament writings - writings that offer instructions as to how the followers of Jesus are to believe and behave after Jesus left, are all "inspired" by God - "God breathed" as it were.

Then . . .

. . . suddenly, it's . . .

2,000 Years Later !

It is estimated that during the past 2,000 years, from the time of Jesus till now, about 50 billion people have lived and died.  That's 50 billion people who were born, lived their life, a life how ever long or short, how ever happy and healthy or sad and sickly.  50 billion people, some of which believed in Yahweh, God, Jesus, etc, and some of which didn't believe in any gods.

During the past 2,000 years, since Jesus resurrected back to life and went up into the sky, did any of these 50 billion people on earth ever, even once:
Experience any recognizable, verifiable, intervention from Jesus into their lives?  
Experience any recognizable, verifiable, communication from Jesus, verbal or otherwise?

I was a bible believer for 25 years.  Not once during that time did I ever experience any recognizable, verifiable, intervention from Jesus into my life.  Not once during that time did I ever experience any recognizable, verifiable, communication from Jesus, verbal or otherwise.

As an atheist for the past 23 years I have been an observer of Christians.  Included in those observations are quite a few lengthy verbal and written communications with Christians.  From my observations and interactions with Christians over the past nearly 50 years, both from inside the church as a believer - and - outside the church as a non believer, it seems that Christians have NOT had any more encounters with God or Jesus than I had - and I had ZERO.

~ SO ~

Regardless of all the concessions that I made above concerning the claims found in the bible, it seems reasonable to conclude that, at least for now, God and Jesus have moved on and seem to have forgotten all about Earth and it's inhabitants. 

~ SO ~
Isn't it time that we all just pack our bibles away, maybe into a box under the bed or out in the garage, and stop all this silly, wasteful church-going?  
Isn't it time that we cancel all these televangelist reruns and radio preaching "ministries" and maybe even just stop thinking about Jesus altogether . . . maybe just stop talking about Jesus completely?  
Wouldn't it be wise to just say to Jesus - "Hey - if you ever want to have an actual "relationship" with me, you know where to find me" ?

Do any of the claims made in the bible actually matter anymore?

No.  A resounding NO!

