Christians, Embryos, and Consistency

According to the Christians that are in charge of Alabama, frozen embryos are the same, legally, as a one month old baby sucking at his mothers teat. The amount of care (and legal protections) afforded to a frozen embryo should be the same as to a one month old baby, sucking at his mothers teat. This also means (let's be consistent here, Christians), if someone causes harm to a frozen embryo, an investigation by law enforcement will commence, and very likely someone will eventually find themselves sitting in a courtroom before a judge on trial for this harm. C O N S I S T E N C Y Approximately 50% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. That is an awful lot of embryos that wind up in the trash, flushed down the toilet, etc. Many of these miscarriages occur before the woman even knows that she is pregnant. Alabama Christians - if you actually believe that an embryo should have the same legal protections as a one month old baby, then might I suggest that y...