Christians, Embryos, and Consistency

According to the Christians that are in charge of Alabama, frozen embryos are the same, legally, as a one month old baby sucking at his mothers teat.

The amount of care (and legal protections) afforded to a frozen embryo should be the same as to a one month old baby, sucking at his mothers teat.

This also means (let's be consistent here, Christians), if someone causes 
harm to a frozen embryo, an investigation by law enforcement will commence, and very likely someone will eventually find themselves sitting in a courtroom before a judge on trial for this harm.


Approximately 50% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage.  That is an awful lot of embryos that wind up in the trash, flushed down the toilet, etc.  Many of these miscarriages occur before the woman even knows that she is pregnant.

Alabama Christians - if you actually believe that an embryo should have the same legal protections as a one month old baby, then might I suggest that you be consistent in the investigations and prosecutions of anyone who might be responsible for the "death" of an embryo.
Any OB-GYN who discovers that a patient who was pregnant and has subsequently had a miscarriage, must notify law enforcement so that a full investigation can be conducted to determine if the behavior of the woman, or the behavior of anyone that she has had contact with, may be responsible for the "death" of the embryo. 
Contributing behaviors could be, but are not limited to:

Physical activities
Any physical activity that could be considered extreme - ("extreme" defined as any activity that could possibly lead to the "death" of her embryo) such as running, jumping, riding on a horse, lifting another child, etc.

Eating any foods that are spicy, cause excess gas, or might lead to hick-ups, drinking any alcoholic beverages or any drink containing artificial sweeteners, taking any medication (prescription or OTC) that could harm the embryo.

Prescription medications
To be on the safe side a pregnant female should stop taking any prescription and non prescription medications.

Note-1  If a woman has participated in unprotected sexual intercourse, she should be aware that as a result, she could become pregnant.  Claiming that she was unaware of the pregnancy does not absolve her of her responsibility to care for her unborn embryo, nor does it absolve her of any guilt-finding should her behaviors result in the "death" of her embryo.  If she had unprotected sex - she should assume that she is pregnant until she has been tested

Note-2  If a child is born with a birth defect there should be an investigation by the authorities to determine the cause of this defect, and if it is determined that the behavior of someone is the cause of the birth defect, a court trial should be held to determine whether the responsible party should be punished.

And finally - Alabama Christians - since it is quite obvious to any clear thinking adult, that your "pro-life" views are driven by your religious beliefs, you must prove, using your holy book (the bible) that the subject and authority of your religious beliefs (God) has NEVER caused the deaths of any children (born or pre-born), either by his own actions, or by commanding the actions of his followers.



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