I'm glad you asked


So you want to know my views on Christianity. 

Here is my current (in a sentence) view of your religion - and I have arrived at this view after 25 years from the inside, as a Christian believer myself, and after almost 25 years from the outside as a former Christian:

I find much of Christianity to be objectionable and disturbing.  

Now, I would suggest, dear Christian, before you make any attempt to evangelize me, go ahead and tell me what your views are with regard to:  
Donald Trump
Abortion rights
Child sex abuse amongst Christian ministers
Uber-wealthy Christian ministers
Gun rights
The science of biological evolution
The age of planet earth
Biblical inerrancy
Biblical literalism
Biblical slavery
Water Baptism
Let's start with topic #1:
Donald Trump

I am actually much more concerned with YOUR views on Trump than I am with MY views on Jesus  

Before you try to win me over to the Lord, tell me what you actually believe with regard to Trump.  There is a very good chance that your explanation of your views on Trump will make our discussion very short, likely saving you and me a lot of time, but we can give it a go.  And if we do make it past Trump, we can touch on any or all of the remaining subjects.
Above all, please be completely honest - If you and your congregation loves you some Donald Trump, just be honest. Surely you would want me to know these things before I commit to visiting your church or worshiping your God, surely.  Know this - if your beliefs and attitudes towards Trump are anything like so many Christians that I have encountered and observed, I will likely want absolutely nothing to do with you, your church, or your God

OK, begin . . .

