My Day-to-Day Life...

In my day-to-day life, do I detect any evidence for G ods existence ? When I awake, which is usually around 4:20am (perhaps earlier) most mornings, due to my cats letting me know that they are ready, I do not detect any evidence for Gods existence . At no point, between 4:20am and about 6:50am, when I leave home, do I detect any evidence for Gods existence . From the time I leave home until I am relaxing in my recliner having an evening drink, usually around 5:00pm, I still have yet to detect any evidence for Gods existence . And from the time I finish my drink, eat dinner, watch some shows, browse the internets, and lay my head on my pillow, which is usually around 8:30pm, I still have yet to detect any evidence for Gods existence . No - if there is any evidence for God's existence, I have never heard of any such evidence, never been presented any such evidence, nor discovered any...