My great, great, grand uncle could levitate...

. . . Christian, do you believe me? My great, great, grand uncle Leo ( Leonidas G. Ingersoll ) born in 1869, could levitate - he would stand alone, pause very still for a moment, then at will he would slowly rise off the ground and seemingly hang there without any aid. Christian, do you believe that? If not, what information would you need to change you from a non believer into a believer that my great, great, grand uncle had the ability to levitate? His older brother Angus, who was my great, great, grandfather, documented in writing describing how his brother Leo would, on many occasions, rise up and float above the ground. Though the family no longer has the original letter, there are a few hand-written copies that have been made over the past hundred plus years - one of those copies was written and signed by my great grandmother Francis, the daughter of Angus. In the handwritten copy that she made she states that she witnessed, on one occasion, her uncle Leo "floating" ...