Decisions decisions . . .

It's 1990 and you are thinking about becoming religious - specifically - becoming a Christian. The internet is in it's infancy and will not be open to the general public until 1991. Pretend for a moment that there are only six Christian denominations in the world: Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Church of Christ, Catholic , and what the heck - Jehovah's Witnesses . It just so happens that in your town, each of these denominations is represented by at least one church. You don't really know how they differ in their beliefs, or even if they differ, and since the internet hasn't been invented yet, you will have to rely on the information that the people at these churches offer you. ~ The Problem ~ How will you determine which of these churches (if any) is representative of the "TRUE" religion? If you talk to one, or several representatives from each church, and if you take notes, you will quickly come to realize that they all differ in their beliefs. So...