William Lane Craig

William Lane Craig Any Christian or atheist who has had an interest in debates between the two camps has likely heard of William Lane Craig. Most Christians, after observing Craig's debates with atheists, respond with approval of his performance followed by the exclamation that he won the debate. Craig's website, reasonablefaith.org , has a stated mission: Reasonable Faith features the work of philosopher and theologian Dr. William Lane Craig in order to carry out its three-fold mission: 1 - to provide an articulate, intelligent voice for biblical Christianity in the public arena. 2 - to challenge unbelievers with the truth of biblical Christianity. 3 - to train Christians to state and defend Christian truth claims with greater effectiveness. From my observations of Craig in the many YouTube videos posted, the first leg of the mission is obvious and accurate in its statement. But I believe the other two legs are simply dressing. 2 - to challenge ...