Morality - where is it written?

Some Christians claim that justification for their morality is based not only on Gods word, the bible, but that God has also written his moral law on their heart - and - on the hearts of all people . They also make the claim that atheists have no justification for their morality - and - can't or won't admit that they borrow their morality from Gods word (moral law), which is also written on the hearts of atheists as well - and - that is why atheists are just as moral as Christians - because - God has written his moral law on the hearts of all people, including atheists. Romans 2:14-15: When gentiles, who do not possess the law, by nature do what the law requires, these, though not having the law, are a law to themselves. They show that what the law requires is written on their hearts , as their own conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts will accuse or perhaps excuse them . . . The Problem - if Gods moral law is "written" on my "heart...