Photography is Better than Christianity

I am a Photographian adjective relating to the beliefs of photography and it's teachings. noun a person who is of the Photographian religion or is a believer in and devote of Photography. My religion is Photography. I have been a Photographian for the past 55 years, since I was about 11 years old and was first introduced to the Photographian faith by my grandparents, who gave me my first camera - a Kodak 126 Instamatic. Even during my 25 years as a Christian (beginning around age 17), Photography never left my mind - I was still a member of the Photographian religion the entire time that I was a member of the Christian religion. I found it very easy to be a Photographer, even while I was a Christian. There were a few times that my dedication to, and my love for Photography conflicted with my love for, and dedication to Christianity. I even documented one such conflict in my journal - below is the actual entry: May 19...